Ofsted's School Inspection Handbook updated for 2023

Get your head around the key changes, which come into force from 1 September.

Last reviewed on 18 July 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 46889

Read the headline changes to Ofsted's inspection handbook. We're also have a more detailed summary of the changes.

What it means to have a 'culture of safeguarding'

This is outlined in paragraph 365 to mean you:

  • Protect pupils from serious harm, online and offline
  • Are vigilant and maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’
  • Are open and transparent, share information with others and actively seek expert advice
  • Make sure those who work with pupils are well trained, and understand their responsibilities and the school's systems and processes
  • Are empowered to ‘speak out’
  • Actively seek and listen to the views and experiences of pupils, staff and parents/carers
  • Have appropriate child protection arrangements in place
  • Secure the help that pupils need
  • Manage safe recruitment and allegations about adults
  • Are receptive to challenge 

New section - 'conduct