Freedom of information: publication scheme

Learn about the requirement to adopt the ICO's model freedom of information publication scheme, and understand what you need to publish and where.

Last reviewed on 8 March 2024
Ref: 41706
Statutory/mandatory for:
Maintained schools
Free schools
Pupil referral units
  1. You need to adopt the ICO's model publication scheme
  2. What the scheme covers 
  3. You should publish a guide to information alongside the scheme 
  4. Where to publish the scheme and guide to information
  5. Example from a school

You need to adopt the ICO's model publication scheme

All public authorities, including schools, are required under the Freedom of Information Act to adopt a publication scheme that the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has approved.

Your school must adopt the ICO’s model scheme and make it publicly available – e.g. by linking to it on your website (see section 4 below for more details). You don't need to edit the scheme in any way.

You can download it from the ICO's website, under the heading 'what is the model publication scheme?'. It's the document called 'model publication scheme'.  

You can find the requirements for publication schemes on pages 2 to 3 of the ICO's guidance 'model publication scheme – using the definition documents', which you can download under the heading 'what kind of information should we publish and include in our guide to information?'. 

What the scheme covers 

This publication scheme commits