SEND policy: model and examples

Download and adapt our model SEND policy, or get help writing your own with our checklist and some examples from schools and trusts.

Last reviewed on 9 January 2024See updates
Ref: 41596
Statutory/mandatory for:
Maintained schools
Free schools
Sixth-form colleges
Pupil referral units
  1. Understand your requirements 
  2. Download our model policy
  3. Use our checklist to make sure your policy is compliant
  4. Examples from trusts

Understand your requirements 

Your schools must have a special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) policy. You can set a trust-wide policy, or you could ask each school to adapt our template if you want them to have a more bespoke policy. It doesn't need to be a separate, standalone document.

Make sure this policy is reviewed annually by the board of trustees or the school's proprietor.

It's best practice to publish the policy on your website. Your academies could link to your trust website, and/or publish their own copy of the policy on their websites.

This is set out in paragraphs 3.66, 6.2, 6.79, 6.81 and the introduction to chapter 6 of the SEND Code