Health and safety policy: model and examples

All schools must have a health and safety policy. Use our model policy for your school or trust, which includes an accident report form, to stay compliant.

Last reviewed on 28 March 2024See updates
Ref: 41633
Statutory/mandatory for:
Maintained schools
Free schools
Independent schools
Pupil referral units
  1. Download our model policy
  2. Examples from other MATs
  3. Conduct an annual audit in your schools

Download our model policy

Our model:

  • Is approved by Forbes Solicitors
  • Is designed for you to adapt to suit your context
  • Takes account of relevant requirements and good practice
Model policy: health and safety (trusts) DOC, 349.0 KB

Once you've adapted it to your context, get your schools to complete details such as fire and evacuation information, as these will vary from site to site.

Examples from other MATs

2-school trust

Triumph Multi Academy Trust has a health and safety policy covering the delegation of responsibilities.

10-school trust

Beckfoot Trust also has a trust-wide health and safety policy.

27-school trust

Futura Learning Partnership has a health and safety policy covering the responsibilities of the different levels of the trust. It also provides a template for each school in the trust to complete with its local health and safety arrangements.

To help you monitor how your schools are putting your health and