Before and after-school club policies (primary)

See examples of after-school club policies, and policies for before and after-school clubs that offer wraparound care.

Last reviewed on 1 July 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 41737
  1. After-school club policies
  2. Before and after-school club policies
  3. What to include in your policy

After-school club policies

Before and after-school club policies

What to include in your policy

Your before and after-school clubs policy should reflect your school's vision and values, and the specific context of your provision. It might cover:

  • Who is responsible for the management and running of the club(s)
  • The time and location of your club(s)
  • The activities on offer
  • How you'll allocate places
  • Any costs and how parents should pay
  • Drop-off, pick-up and communication arrangements
  • Any food or drink provided for pupils
  • Any off-site activities
  • Safeguarding and child protection measures
  • Health and safety measures
  • Your commitment to accessibility and equal opportunities