Safer recruitment policy: model

Use and adapt our model safer recruitment procedures (which you'll find in appendix 2 of our model child protection policy) to help save you time and stay compliant.

Last reviewed on 5 July 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 41529
  1. Find model procedures in appendix 2 of our safeguarding policy 
  2. Safer recruitment: changes to our policy for KCSIE 2023
  3. Visit The Key Safeguarding for further safeguarding support

Find model procedures in appendix 2 of our safeguarding policy 

Download our model safeguarding policy, which covers safer recruitment procedures in appendix 2.

You should have appropriate safer recruitment policies in place, as per paragraph 102 of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2023. If you don't want to use our full safeguarding policy, or prefer to keep a separate policy, you can simply extract and adapt the model text in appendix 2.

Model policy: child protection and safeguarding (trusts) DOC, 554.0 KB

Approved by Forbes Solicitors, this model document is designed for you and your schools to adapt to suit your context. All of our model documents take account of relevant requirements and good practice. 

You can find further model policies and complete policy support using our Policy Expert.

We've created it so you can set certain parts of the policy centrally to keep things consistent across your trust. We recommend you set your safer recruitment