Statutory policies and documents for schools and trusts

Download our list of the policies and documents you must have, so you're clear on any changes and can make sure you’re compliant.

Last reviewed on 28 April 2023
Ref: 44517
  1. Most recent changes
  2. Maintained schools
  3. Single academy trusts, including free schools
  4. Independent schools
  5. Policies you must publish online
  6. Ofsted doesn't set the rules on school policies
  7. Get notified about changes to your requirements 

Most recent changes

The Department for Education (DfE) withdrew its guidance on Statutory Policies for Schools and Academy Trusts on 7 March 2024.

Details of statutory policies have now been incorporated into the new governance guides for maintained schools and academies. Take a look at our summary of the new governance guides.

We’ve reached out to the DfE to clarify some of the detail on the statutory policy list in the new guides, and we will update our related articles with any updates in due course. Select ‘save for later’ at the top of this page to be notified when this article has been updated.

Maintained schools

KeyDoc: list of statutory policies - maintained DOC, 246.5 KB

All local authority (LA)-maintained schools, including maintained special schools Maintained and non-maintained nursery schools Pupil referral units (PRUs) Non-maintained special schools, because your requirements are more similar to maintained schools than to academies