Post-inspection action plan: guidance and template

Get advice on how to use feedback from your inspections to create effective post-Ofsted action plans for your school or your subject.

Last reviewed on 24 January 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 45998
  1. No requirement for a subject leader action plan
  2. Ask your school leaders for more detailed feedback
  3. Read the inspection report carefully
  4. Update your existing plans with areas for improvement
  5. Example action plan

This article is for you if you're developing/updating a subject action plan in response to an Ofsted inspection.

If you're looking to create a general subject action plan, not in response to an inspection, see this article on subject action plans

No requirement for a subject leader action plan

Ofsted won't expect you to create an action plan specifically in response to an inspection.

However, you may find it useful to create one to pull together the feedback you and your school leaders get during the inspection into a plan for improvement.

Ask your school leaders for more detailed feedback

Day 1: usually inspectors will discuss with the headteacher and 1 other what they've seen on the first day, which is usually deep dives into specific subjects. Inspectors may identify common threads and key themes