Rolling maintenance schedule: template

Stay on top of decoration and maintenance at your school by downloading our rolling maintenance schedule and following our guidance on maintaining your school buildings.

Last reviewed on 30 April 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 6092
  1. Download our rolling maintenance schedule template 
  2. How to do maintenance planning
  3. Use school holidays for annual tasks
  4. Example: local authority guidelines

Download our rolling maintenance schedule template 

KeyDoc: decoration and rolling maintenance schedule DOC, 186.5 KB

Schools are expected to plan for and maintain their buildings to make sure they provide a suitable teaching and learning environment and are:

  • Safe
  • Warm
  • Weatherproof

This is explained in the good estate management for schools guidance from the DfE.

Use our school premises maintenance checklist to help you carry out regular inspections and stay compliant.

How to do maintenance planning

Identify priorities by carrying out a full condition survey

This will help you to:

  • Identify what work is needed to maintain the estate
  • Consider how much works might cost
  • Prioritise work within available funds
  • Understand if the nature of the buildings changes

The results of this will help you to prepare a maintenance programme.

Check with your academy trust, diocese or local authority, as they may do this on your behalf.

This should cover a 5-year period, including a rolling maintenance schedule